Management Services Agreements

Texas Healthcare Lawyers Serving Medical Providers Nationwide

Management services agreements (MSAs) offer healthcare providers many benefits, including streamlined efficiency and more time for physicians to focus on practicing medicine, while giving non-physicians an opportunity to participate in the booming healthcare market.

Physician and contractor relationships can also introduce unique issues when it comes to state and federal healthcare laws, including prohibitions against self-referrals and fee splitting and Texas' corporate practice of medicine doctrine.

Because violations of healthcare laws can jeopardize the futures of medical professionals and practices – from creating exposure to costly and time-consuming audits to high-stakes matters involving fraud investigations and license investigations – ensuring regulatory compliance in any management services agreement is of the utmost importance.

Need to discuss a management services agreement or another health or medical law issue? Call (713) 909-7323 to speak with our award-winning attorneys at Hendershot Cowart P.C. during an initial consultation.

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