— This research paper examined the inadequacies involved in the manual method of compiling students' result in secondary schools in Nigeria. To achieve that, preliminary investigations about the current manual record keeping were carried out at some selected secondary schools of Nasarawa state. The problems with the manual result processing were identified and a new system was proposed, designed, and implemented. In this work, a computer software application was developed to facilitate the automated processing of the results. The software was developed using PHP (Hypertext processor) programming language and MYSQL (My Structural Query Language), a relational database management system in designing the database; tested and found to have produced the expected results. Teachers do not need to draw vertical/horizontal lines on a broad sheet of paper for recording students test and exam scores, and also need not to do any form of calculations, as the system does virtually everything. Similarly, there is no need of printing result booklet for each student. Results can be printed on A4 size paper or on embossed cardboard paper cut into A4 size and which appears like a certificate and looks more beautiful at a lower cost compared to the cost of printing result booklets and the stress teachers have to undergo to prepare students results. The software will make the teacher's job less stressful by cutting down the time and effort spent on result preparation, thereby, allowing the teacher more time for teaching and other instructional issues. This new system is flexible and can be modified to suit any kind of students' record keeping and data processing in both public and private secondary schools.
See Full PDF See Full PDFThis research project examined the inadequacies involved in the manual method of compiling students’ result in secondary schools in Nigeria. The problems with the manual result processing were identified and a new system was proposed, designed, and implemented. In this work, a computer software application was developed to facilitate the automated processing of the results. The software was developed using PHP (Hypertext processor) programming language and MYSQL (My Structural Query Language), a relational database management system in designing the database; tested and found to have produced the expected results. Teachers do not need to draw vertical/horizontal lines on a broad sheet of paper for recording students test and exam scores, and also need not to do any form of calculations, as the system does virtually everything. The software will make the teacher’s job less stressful by cutting down the time and effort spent on result preparation, thereby, allowing the teacher more time for teaching and other instructional issues. This new system is flexible and can be modified to suit any kind of students’ record keeping and data processing in both public and private secondary schools. In the course of the study, an existing system was digested and its deficiencies were detected and emphatically analyzed, after which solutions to the problems were proffered in the new designed computerized system that is reliable and more interactive. The new system terminates all the problems experienced with the existing system. The case study of this research work is Mainstream Energy Solutions Limited (M.E.S.L) Secondary School, New Bussa, Niger State.
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International journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
The current method of student result assessing and processing with the aid of only Microsoft Excel Template is cumbersome, stressful and erroneous. This research studied the difficulties faced with the current result processing system and proposed an improved system using XAMP full stack. In the proposed system, two related software were designed, one to be used by course lecturer to enter students' score and generates students' grade. The other software would be used by the departmental exams officer (DEO) who is the Admin of the system to generate their Grade Point (GP), Cumulative Grade Point Average(CGPA) and Graduating Grade Point Average(CGPA) easily, the exams and record office would use it to generate Transcript. The advanced result processing and management system is highly secured and protected from unauthorized users and this helps to reduce cases of missing student records. It also enhances the reliability and convenience in computation of student score and generate their respective grade point in each course. The database contains the complete and comprehensive details of students and their academic performance. The advanced automated result processing and management system was designed using XAMP full stack where HTML, CSS and JavaScript were used for frontend while PHP and MySQL Database were used to design the students record database. IJSB
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It has been shown that as technology advanced and the effect of computers and the internet grew, it had an impact on a number of different industries. And today, computers are used to perform practically all tasks. The key to being in business is to swiftly transform knowledge into a product that customers desire, and nowadays, all of this is accomplished utilizing computers, software, and information systems. And the education system, which focuses on training the next generation of talent for the future, is unquestionably the foundation of civilization. The Catholic University of Mozambique now manages and declares student results manually and with a great deal of human interaction. The students' results are created using a spreadsheet programme, printed on paper, declared on a wall, and then saved. The goal of the present project is to develop a web-based student outcome management system that will save time, effort, and money while enhancing security. The technique used for the project's development is based on a qualitative investigation. The project culminates in the creation of a multiuser system built on the MVC architectural pattern of web technology and supported by the Java programming language, Apache Tomcat Server, and MySQL Database Management System.
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A result is an official school report on the record of student, listing courses, grades received. Students " result is a critical component of admission, transfer credit processing, and graduation processing. The majority of result come into the University in paper form through multiple points of entry and are processed in multiple areas depending on the reason the result is requested (admissions evaluation, additional credit, prerequisite requirements, special programs or graduation processing). Currently, until result details are entered and processed, there is no reliable way to track incoming result. This creates many problems for students and staff. Students may be required to send in their result if their initial submissions cannot be located. Staff spend a considerable amount of time trying to locate result. Lost or misplaced result can delay admission decisions, prevent a student from registering into a course with prerequisites and ultimately delay graduation, which can lead to unwanted consequences. This study aims to provide many benefits including proper routing and tracking of turned in results, improved processing efficiency of the system, and increased satisfaction for both the staff and students for processing of result. The purpose of this study is to design, develop and implement an efficient computer-based result processing system to replace manual processing modes for Tertiary Institution, with a private tertiary institution in Edo State, Nigeria as A case Study. The system will accommodate multiple points of entry and aid course advisers carry out their responsibilities effectively. The system will interact with the existing system and provide a real time status of the processing of the result using Java programming language and MySQL as the database.
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This project, Automated Students' Results Management Information System (SRMIS) was carried out to automate the manual processes of compiling Students Examination Results. It was necessitated because of some setbacks in manual result processing. The system was designed to automatically take raw scores from excel files and store them in a database. It used past processed results to help the next course registration prior to results upload. Its result processing features includes the computation of grade point average (GPA), generation of result reporting sheets and transcripts. Every session, it keeps track of student's status information as recorded in the student files, specifying if a student is legitimate. The database also holds the lists of admitted students each year and records their school fees payment status. The software engineering was done with the Incremental model using an object-oriented programming approach. Raw data input to the SRMIS is one of the most cumbersome tasks. A computerized input using file upload saves lecturers a lot of effort and time of data entry. This system uses the student's course registration data to match the uploaded results. The essence is to design an efficient computerized system that will replace manual result processing which is prone to lot of paper work and errors. This reduces the tedious tasks involved, and enhances students' performance through timely publication of results.
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Mathematical and Software Engineering, Var εpsilon Ltd, varepsilon.com
In this paper, an automated platform for managing result of all categories of students in a seamless and interactive manner is presented. The system was developed using PHP, CSS, HTML, MYSQL and was hosted locally using Apache web server. The software development methodology adopted is a participatory incremental process model (PIP Model). The data used were obtained from the Department of Electrical/Electronic and Computer Engineering, University of Uyo. Functional decomposition of the system and its key modules are provided to explain the major functionalities proffered by the system. Also, use case diagram is presented to show the different categories of the system users and the various functionalities associated the different system user. Screen shots of various system functionalities are presented from the test run of the functional system.
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International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
The purpose of Student Result Management System is to create a better method for storing the result of students in a computerized form so that the result can be stored for a longer period with easy accessing and manipulation of the same. The required hardware and software are easily accessible, and we can easily work with it. As mentioned above, the project can lead to error free, secure, reliable, and fast management system. Reporting of results of college student will be more proper. I.
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